13 Spine-Tingling Supernatural Thriller Movies You Can’t-Miss

By diggindianews

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Supernatural thriller movies

Hey there, movie buffs and thrill-seekers! If you’re like us and enjoy a good scare that keeps you up at night, you’re in for a treat. We’ve rounded up 13 supernatural thriller movies that’ll send shivers down your spine and have you glued to your couch. Get ready for some supernatural chills, twists, and unexpected thrills!

1 . Drag Me to Hell” (2009) Supernatural Thriller Movies

Drag Me to Hell
13 Spine-Tingling Supernatural Thriller Movies You Can't-Miss 14

Let’s kick things off with a gem that mixes horror with a bit of humour. It’s about a gal cursed to face some dark forces that want to take her to the underworld. Sounds like a wild ride, right?

2 . The Others” (2001)

The Others
13 Spine-Tingling Supernatural Thriller Movies You Can't-Miss 15

Nicole Kidman stars in this spooky tale about a woman who’s convinced her house is haunted. With its eerie vibe and surprising plot twists, it’s a modern classic in the scare department.

3 . The Exorcist” (1973)

The Exorcist
13 Spine-Tingling Supernatural Thriller Movies You Can't-Miss 16

Prepare for a spine-chilling journey as we dive into one of the all-time scariest flicks. It’s about a young girl possessed by a demon, and the brave priests trying to save her. This one’s a true horror legend.

4. Virupaksha” (2023)

13 Spine-Tingling Supernatural Thriller Movies You Can't-Miss 17

Now, here’s something fresh and intriguing. “Virupaksha” is a thrilling story set in today’s world but with some mysterious and spooky things happening. Imagine it’s like a modern-day adventure filled with supernatural mysteries and unexpected events Ready for something new and exciting?

5 . Insidious” (2010)

Insidious (2010)
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From the minds behind “Saw” and “The Conjuring” comes a tale of astral projection and some pretty nasty spirits. Be prepared for jump scares and a creepy journey into the afterlife

6 . The Devil’s Advocate” (1997)

The Devil's Advocate (1997)
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Keanu Reeves stars in this legal thriller with a supernatural twist. He uncovers some sinister stuff going on in his boss’s world. It’s a gripping exploration of good vs. evil.

7 . The Orphanage” (2007)

The Orphanage (2007)
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We’re off to Spain with this one, and it’s a Spanish-language gem. Once upon a time, there was a woman who decided to visit the orphanage where she grew up. She brought her family along with her. However, when they arrived, they uncovered some creepy and hidden secrets about the place. It turned out that vengeful spirits were haunting the orphanage, and they had to deal with these spooky ghosts during their visit.

It’s both haunting and heart-wrenching.

8 . The Devil’s Backbone” (2001)

The Devil's Backbone (2001)
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Get ready for some Guillermo del Toro magic in this Spanish Civil War-era tale. An orphanage haunted by a young boy sets the stage for a dark and fantastical experience.

9 . The Sixth Sense” (1999)

The Sixth Sense (1999)
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Remember that famous twist ending? Bruce Willis plays a child psychologist trying to help a kid who claims he can see and talk to the dead. It’s a rollercoaster of paranormal suspense.

10 . Mandy” (2018)

Mandy (2018)
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Nicolas Cage goes full Cage in this stunning and mind-bending thriller. He’s out for revenge against a cult that offed his wife, and things get trippy real fast. This one’s a wild ride

11. 13B: Fear Has a New Address” (2009):

13B Fear Has a New Address (2009)
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Bollywood joins the supernatural party with this one. It’s a combo of horror and social commentary as we explore some eerie happenings in a new apartment complex.

12. The Shining” (1980)

The Shining (1980)
13 Spine-Tingling Supernatural Thriller Movies You Can't-Miss 25

Stanley Kubrick brings Stephen King’s novel to life in this psychological horror masterpiece. Jack Nicholson loses his marbles in a spooky hotel, and it’s a slow-burning descent into madness

13. U-Turn” (2016)

U Turn (2016)
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This Indian supernatural thriller adds a twist by blending crime, mystery, and the supernatural. A journalist’s investigation uncovers some weird stuff in a small town.

Supernatural Thriller Movies

In a nutshell, these 13 supernatural thriller movies offer a variety of spine-tingling experiences. Whether you’re into psychological suspense, jump scares, or a mix of both, this list has something to scratch that supernatural thriller itch. So, dim the lights, grab your popcorn, and prepare to be thrilled by the unknown!
